Mass Intentions are the intentions that have been requested for the priest to offer up during the Mass. These are usually for deceased friends or family members of parishioners.
To schedule a Mass Intention, please fill out the form below, call or stop by the Parish Office, or drop a note in the collection basket at Mass with the following information:
- Name of Deceased
- Date of Mass Intention - Choice 1
- Mass Time - Choice 1
- Date of Mass Intention - Choice 2
- Mass Time - Choice 2
- Name of Person or Family offering the Mass (i.e. by Joe Smith, by the Jones Family, by Family & Friends, etc.)
- Phone number of person requesting the Mass Intention
Each Mass Intention is $10.00. The donation can be made through our online giving website, mailed to or dropped off in the Parish Office, or dropped in the collection basket at Mass.